Annual Report delivered at the [Eleventh] Annual Convention of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- Author
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Place Written
- [Atlanta, Ga.]
- Document Date
- [8/16/1967]
- Genre
- Speech
- Document Type
- Audio Tape
- Author
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Author Dates
- 1929-1968
- Document ID
- 670816-001
- Document Date
- [8/16/1967]
- Document Type
- Audio Tape
- Status
- Undecided
- Place Written
- [Atlanta, Ga.]
- Genre
- Speech
- Document Length
- 68 min.
- Document Note
- 3 sound cassettes: analog
- Dates
- 1965
- 1879
- Names
- Abernathy, Ralph
- Bennette, Fred C.
- Robinson, James R.
- Boone, Joseph E.
- Cotton, Dorothy
- Galbraith, John Kenneth
- Castro, Fidel
- Batista, Fulgencio
- Ward, J.C
- Dorsey, E.H
- Grier, J.D
- Brown, Robert
- Marx, Karl
- Reuther, Walter
- Percy, Charles
- Nietzsche, Fredrick Wilheim
- Feuerbach, Ludwig
- Hegel, George Wilhelm Friedrich
- Engels, Friedrich
- Trotsky, Leon
- John, the Apostle, Saint
- Johnson, James Weldon
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
- Li, Mew-soong
- George, Henry
- Williams, Hosea
- Clark, Septima Poinsette
- Reverend Dr. Hoover
- Bryant, William Cullen
- Revere, Paul
- Organizations
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- S.C.L.C. Operation Breadbasket
- A&P
- Sealtest
- Bank of Cleveland
- Ebenezer Baptist Church (Atlanta, Ga.)
- International Union, United Automobile Workers of America (CIO)
- General Motors
- Citizenship Education Program
- Dorchester Center
- Places
- Cleveland, Ohio
- Montgomery, Ala.
- Jackson, Miss.
- Grenada, Miss.
- Dorchester, Miss. .Chicago, Ill.
- Wilcox County, Ala.
- Lowndes County, Ala.
- Cuba
- Egypt
- Topics
- Afro-Americans - Economic conditions
- Economic development
- Operation Breadbasket
- Riots
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference--meetings
- Segregation in transportation
- Discrimination in public accomodations
- Poverty
- Voter registration
- Montgomery Bus Boycott
- political participation
- School integration
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference--Finance
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference--organizational structure
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference--staff
- Civil Disobedience
- Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Political and Social views
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Public Speaking
- Capitalism
- Communism
- Nonviolence
- World Politics
- African American History
- Other Topics
- Progress and Poverty
- 1 Corinthians 13
- Communist Manifesto
- Das Kapital
- Roger's Thesaurus
- Isaiah 11:6
- Amos 5:24
- Code for Location of Original
- Location of Original
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Estate Collection, In Private Hands
- Location of Original - Detail
- NYC-22A, 22B & 22C
- Copy Location (1)
- MLKPP, Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
- Date Created
- 9/8/1997 12:00:00 AM
- Date Verified
- 10/06/1997
- Date Updated
- 11/21/2024 10:42:13 AM