Interview on Face the Nation
- Author
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Place Written
- New York, N.Y.
- Document Date
- 4/16/1967
- Genre
- Interview
- Document Type
- Audio Tape
- Author
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Author Dates
- 1929-1968
- Document ID
- 670416-006
- Document Date
- 4/16/1967
- Document Type
- Audio Tape
- Status
- Undecided
- Place Written
- New York, N.Y.
- Genre
- Interview
- Document Length
- 27.1 min.
- Document Note
- 1 sound cassette: analog
- Dates
- 4/15/1967
- Names
- Schakne, Robert [Columbia Broadcasting System, inc. ]
- Poston, Ted [New York Post]
- Agronsky, Martin [Columbia Broadcasting System, inc. ]
- Goodman, Andrew
- Schwerner, Michael Henry
- Chaney, James Earl
- Bunche, Ralph J. (Ralph Johnson)
- Wilkins, Roy
- Young, Whitney M.
- Carmichael, Stokley [Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.)]
- McKissick, Floyd B. (Floyd Bixler) [Congress of Racial Equality]
- Thurmond, Strom [United States. Congress. Senate]
- McNamara, Robert [United States. Department of Defense]
- Powell, Adam Clayton
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines)
- Dulles, John Foster
- Niebuhr, Reinhold
- Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt)
- Washington, Booker T.
- Daley, Richard J.
- Rusk, Dean [United States. Dept. of State]
- Organizations
- Columbia Broadcasting System, inc.
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.)
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
- Congress of Racial Equality
- National Liberation Front [Viet Nam]
- Vanderbilt University
- United States. Congress. Senate
- Ku Klux Klan
- National Urban League
- United States. Dept. of State
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- United States. Congress. House of Representatives
- Topics
- Civil rights movements
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Interviews
- Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975
- Civil Disobedience
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Television public speaking
- Student movements
- Riots
- Black power
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Critics
- Nonviolence
- Communism
- Conscientious objection
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Political and Social views
- Code for Location of Original
- Location of Original
- Robert R. Muntz Library, University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, Tex.
- Copy Location (1)
- MLKPP, Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
- Date Created
- 4/21/1999 12:00:00 AM
- Date Verified
- 6/28/2004 15:42:45
- jgandhi
- Date Updated
- 6/2/2015 9:19:00 AM