Annual Report, Address delivered at the eighth annual convention of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- Author
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Place Written
- Savannah, Ga.
- Document Date
- [9/30/1964]
- Genre
- Speech
- Document Type
- Document
- Type of Writing
- Typed
- Handwritten -- other than author's hand
- Author
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Author Dates
- 1929-1968
- Author Affiliation
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- Document ID
- 640930-009
- Document Date
- [9/30/1964]
- Type of Writing
- Typed
- Handwritten -- other than author's hand
- Document Type
- Document
- Status
- Undecided
- Place Written
- Savannah, Ga.
- Genre
- Speech
- Document Length
- 21 pp.
- Dates
- 7/2/1964
- 7/24/1964
- 1963
- 1962
- 1959
- 1960
- 1/8/1964
- 8/7/1964
- Names
- Lowery, Joseph (Joseph E.)
- King, D. E. (Dearine Edwin)
- Harris, Curtis
- Williams, Hosea
- Holmes, Oliver
- Johns, Helen
- Harvey, Simmie
- Vivian, C. T. [Southern Christian Leadership Conference]
- Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris) [United States. Congress. Senate]
- Clayton, Ed [Southern Christian Leadership Conference]
- Gandhi, Mahatma
- Lincoln, Abraham
- Gray, Victoria Jackson
- Hamer, Fannie Lou
- Boyte, Harry G. [Southern Christian Leadership Conference]
- Walker, Wyatt Tee
- Blackwell, Randolph T. [Southern Christian Leadership Conference]
- Bevel, James L. (James Luther) [Southern Christian Leadership Conference]
- Young, Andrew [Southern Christian Leadership Conference]
- Robinson, Bernice [Southern Christian Leadership Conference]
- Wells, Samuel B. [Southern Christian Leadership Conference]
- Cantor, Adele [Southern Christian Leadership Conference]
- Hayling, Robert Bagner
- Abernathy, Ralph
- Grier, Joseph
- McCulloch, William [United States. Congress. House of Representatives]
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines) [United States. White House]
- Abernathy, Juanita Odessa Jones
- Seay, S. S. (Solomon Snowden)
- Parks, Rosa
- Dungee, Erna A.
- Gregory, Hazel R.
- Nesbitt, R. D. (Robert D.)
- Palmer, H. J.
- Gilmore, Georgia
- Pollard, Francis
- Arnold, Benedict
- Wallace, George C. (George Corley)
- Williams, Odessa
- Thurmond, Strom
- Chaney, James Earl
- Schwerner, Michael Henry
- Goodman, Andrew
- Lombard, William M. [Rochester (N.Y.). Police Dept.]
- Homer, Porter W. [Rochester (N.Y.). Office of the City Manager]
- Joshua (Biblical figure)
- Organizations
- United States. Congress. Senate
- Republican Party
- American Missionary Association
- United Church of Christ
- Ku Klux Klan
- John Birch Society
- Citizenship Education Program
- Democratic National Convention (1964: Atlantic City, N.J.)
- United States. White House
- S.C.L.C. Operation Breadbasket
- Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
- Educational Heritage, Inc. (Yonkers, N.Y.)
- United States. Dept. of Labor.
- Democratic Party
- United States. Congress. House of Representatives
- General Motors Corporation
- Ford Motor Company
- Chrysler Corporation
- United Nations
- New York Times
- NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
- Cow Palace (San Francisco, Calif.)
- Rochester (N.Y.). Police Dept.
- Rochester (N.Y.). Office of the City Manager
- Places
- Richmond, Va.
- Birmingham, Ala.
- Jackson, Miss.
- New York, N.Y.
- Cambridge, Md.
- San Francisco, Calif.
- Montgomery, Ala.
- Danville, Va.
- St. Augustine, Fla.
- Albany, Ga.
- Atlanta, Ga.
- Monroe, N.C.
- Washington, D.C.
- Rochester, N.Y.
- Philadelphia, Pa.
- Savannah, Ga.
- Egypt
- Valley Forge, Pa.
- Texas
- Jones County, Ga.
- South Carolina
- Topics
- Direct action
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference--organizational structure
- Operation Breadbasket
- Voter registration
- Civil rights movements
- Afro-Americans--Intimidation of
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Public Speaking
- Birmingham, 1963
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference--staff
- Nonviolence
- War on Poverty
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference--meetings
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference--strategic planning
- Presidential candidates 1964
- Discrimination in Employment
- Afro-Americans - Economic conditions
- political participation
- Riots
- Civil Rights Act, 1964
- Other Topics
- Encyclopedia for Negro Life
- Code for Location of Original
- Location of Original
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers (Series I-IV), Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.
- Location of Original - Detail
- Vault Box 8, folder 17; Box 114
- Copy Location (1)
- CSKC-INP, Coretta Scott King Collection, In Private Hands
- Filing Info
- 106:665
- MS 24, #614
- Box 167, folder 1
- Box 29, folder 12
- Copy Location (2)
- CSKC-INP, Coretta Scott King Collection, In Private Hands
- Copy Location (3)
- SCLCE-GEU-S, Southern Christian Leadership Conference Records, 1864-2007, Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.
- Copy Location (4)
- WEFP-DcWaGWG, Walter E. Fauntroy Papers, George Washington University. Gelman Library System, Special Collections and University Archives, Washington, D.C.
- Copy Location (5)
- MLKPP, Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
- Date Created
- 7/14/1998 12:00:00 AM
- Date Verified
- 07/28/1998
- 5/1/2017 dalai
- 8/15/2019 dalai
- Date Updated
- 10/30/2024 11:43:03 AM