''Catalogue of Resources''
- Author
- National Conference on Religion and Race, Chicago, 1963
- Place Written
- New York, N.Y.
- Document Date
- [1/14/1963-1/17/1963]
- Genre
- Pamphlet
- Document Type
- Document
- Type of Writing
- Printed -- published
- Document ID
- 630117-041
- Document Date
- [1/14/1963-1/17/1963]
- Type of Writing
- Printed -- published
- Document Type
- Document
- Status
- Not in
- Place Written
- New York, N.Y.
- Genre
- Pamphlet
- Document Length
- 54 pp.
- Dates
- 1961
- 1956
- 1957
- 1962
- 1960
- 1958
- 1959
- 1948
- 1953
- 1955
- 1940
- Names
- Stevens, Thelma [National Conference on Religion and Race, Chicago, 1963]
- Oniki, Garry [United Church of Christ]
- Brickner, Balfour [Union of American Hebrew Congregations]
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- O'Neill, Joseph E.
- Vorspan, Albert [Union of American Hebrew Congregations]
- Lipman, Eugene J. [Union of American Hebrew Congregations]
- Pope, Liston
- Campbell, Will D.
- Mays, Benjamin E. (Benjamin Elijah)
- Maston, T.B.
- Tilson, Everett
- LaFarge, John
- Cantwell, Daniel M.
- Nelson, William Stuart
- Haselden, Kyle
- Gordis, Robert
- Sellers, James
- Fletcher, Albert L. [Catholic Diocese of Little Rock (Little Rock, Ark.)]
- Guste, Robert W.
- McNaspy, C.J.
- Conger, Yves M.J.
- Malalasekara, G.P.
- Jayatilleke, K.N.
- Rath, Leon
- Hooft, W.A. Visser't
- Landis, Benson Y.
- Weatherford, W.D.
- Loescher, Frank S.
- Clark, Dennis
- Gartrell, Leland
- Lee, J. Oscar
- Muse, Benjamin
- Thurman, Howard
- Wogaman, J. Philip
- Root, Robert
- Gleason, George
- Ward, Leo R.
- Eakin, Mildred Moody
- Eakin, Frank
- Fletcher, Verne H.
- Kramer, Alfred S.
- Weaver, Galen R.
- Marrow, Alfred J.
- Myers, Gustavus
- Clark, Kenneth B.
- Benedict, Ruth
- Simpson, George
- Yinger, Milton
- Alpenfels, Ethel J.
- McManus, Eugene P.
- Allport, Gordon W.
- Til, William V.
- Ackerman, Nathan W.
- Myrdal, Gunnar
- Griffin, John Howard
- Hughes, Langston
- Baldwin, James
- Bontemps, Arna
- Lincoln, C. Eric
- Rose, Arnold
- Ahman, Mathew H.
- Frazier, E. Franklin
- Butcher, Margaret Just
- Locke, Alain
- Homer, Dorothy R.
- Hagan, William T.
- Fey, Harold E.
- McNickle, D'Arcy
- Handlin, Oscar
- Burma, John H.
- Senior, Clarence
- Lee, Rose Hum
- Shotwell, Louisa R.
- Harrington, Michael
- Gittler, John B.
- Drake, St. Clair
- Catton, Horace R.
- Lee, Robert
- Hirsch, Richard G.
- Wilson, James
- Giese, Vincent J.
- Conant, James
- Grodzins, Morton
- Winter, Gibson
- Silberman, Charles E.
- Konvitz, Milton R.
- Leskes, Theodore
- Dean, John P.
- Rosen, Alex
- Abrahamson, Julia
- Wey, Herbert
- Corey, John
- Miller, Haskell M.
- Ramsey, Paul
- Campbell, Ernest Q.
- Pettigrew, Thomas F.
- Grier, George
- Grier, Eunice
- Glazer, Nathan
- McEntire, Davis
- Laurenti, Luigi
- Rapkin, Chester
- Grisby, William G.
- Proudfoot, Merrill
- Peck, James
- Reitzes, Dietrich C.
- Greenberg, Jack
- Epstein, Benjamin R.
- Foster, Arnold
- Woodward, C. Vann (Comer Vann)
- Ginzberg, Eli
- Organizations
- United Church of Christ
- Union of American Hebrew Congregations
- Catholic Diocese of Little Rock (Little Rock, Ark.)
- American Friends Service Committee
- National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- National Baptist Convention of the United States of America
- National Baptist Convention of America
- African Methodist Episcopal Church
- African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
- Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
- University of Florida (Gainesville, Fla.)
- Places
- Chicago, Ill.
- Topics
- Afro-Americans - Religion
- Church and Race Relations
- Discrimination
- equality
- Race relations
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Publications
- Stride Toward Freedom
- Other Topics
- A Catholic Case Against Segregation
- Justice and Judaism
- Kingdom Beyond Caste
- Race and the Renewal of the Church
- Seeking to be Christian in Race Relations
- Segregation and Desegregation
- Segregation and the Bible
- The Catholic Viewpoint on Race Relations
- The Challenge of Interracial Justice
- The Christian Way in Race Relations
- The Racial Problem in Christian Perspective
- The Root and the Branch
- The South and Christian Ethics
- An Elementary Catholic Cathechism on the Morality of Segregation and Racial Discrimination
- For Men of Good Will
- Let's Talk Sense About the Negro
- Race and Conscience in America
- The Race Question in Modern Thought
- We Are a Third Race
- Year-book of American Churches
- A Tale of Ten Cities
- American Churches and the Negro
- The Protestant Church and the Negro
- City Catholics and Segregation
- Negro Population in 1960
- One Ministry
- Religion Among Ethnic and Racial Minorities
- The Problem of Integrating Parochial Schools in the South
- Footprints of a Dream
- Methodism's Challenge in Race Relations
- Progress Against Prejudice
- Successful Social Action
- The Living Parish
- The Sunday School Fights Prejudice
- Changing Patterns of Prejudice
- History of Bigotry in the United States
- Prejudice and the Child
- Prejudice and Your Child
- Race and Science
- Race: Science and Politics
- Racial and Cultural Minorities
- Sense and Nonsense About Race
- Studies in Race Relations
- The Nature of Prejudice
- An American Dilemma
- Black Like Me
- Fight For Freedom
- Nobody Knows My Name
- 100 Years of Negro Freedom
- Stride Toward Freedom
- The Black Muslims in America
- The Negro in America
- The New Negro
- The Negro in the United States
- The Negro in American Culture
- The Negro
- American Indians
- Helping Puerto Ricans Help Themselves
- Indians and Other Americans
- Race and Nationality in American Life
- Spanish Speaking Groups in the United States
- Strangers--Then Neighbors
- The Chinese in the United States
- The Harvesters
- The Other America
- Understanding Minority Groups
- A Moon in His Moccasins
- The Fifth Decade
- The Migrant Ministry Today
- We Live by the Spirit
- Black Metropolis
- City and Churches
- Judaism and Cities in Crisis
- Negro Politics
- Revolution in the City
- Slums and Suburbs
- The Ghetto Game
- The Metropolitan Area as a Racial Problem
- The Suburban Captivity of the Churches
- An Annotated List of Readings on the Urban Church and Church Planning
- Christendom in the Metropolis
- The City and the Negro
- A Century of Civil Rights
- A Manual of Intergroup Relations
- A Neighborhood Finds Itself
- Action Patterns in School Desegregation
- Barriers and Bridges to Brotherhood
- Christian Ethics and the Sit-In
- Christians in the Racial Crisis
- Commission of Race and Housing Studies
- Privately Developed Interracial Housing
- Housing and Minority Groups
- Property Values and Race
- The Demand for Housing in Racially Mixed Areas
- Residence and Race
- Diary of a Sit-In
- 50 States Report
- Freedom Ride
- Negroes and Medicine
- Publications Relating to Urban Renewal 1950
- Race Relations and American Law
- Reports of the United States Commission on Civil Rights
- Segregation and Desegregation in American Education
- Some of My Best Friends
- Strange Career of Jim Crow
- The Negro Potential
- Code for Location of Original
- Location of Original
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers (Series I-IV), Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.
- Location of Original - Detail
- Box 134, folder 27
- Copy Location (1)
- WYP-NNC, Whitney M. Young Papers, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
- Filing Info
- Box 127. folder National Conference on Religion & Race, 1963
- Copy Location (2)
- MLKPP, Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
- Date Created
- 10/25/2006 12:00:00 AM
- Date Verified
- 1/5/2007 10:59:31
- bhunter
- Date Updated
- 3/15/2024 12:01:16 PM