Draft, The Luminous Promise
- Author
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Place Written
- [Atlanta, Ga.]
- Document Date
- [12/1962]
- Genre
- Article
- Document Type
- Document
- Type of Writing
- Typed
- Handwritten -- other than author's hand
- Author
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Author Dates
- 1929-1968
- Document ID
- 621200-009
- Document Date
- [12/1962]
- Type of Writing
- Typed
- Handwritten -- other than author's hand
- Document Type
- Document
- Type of Version
- Draft
- Status
- Cal. 8
- Place Written
- [Atlanta, Ga.]
- Genre
- Article
- Document Length
- 13 pp.
- Dates
- 1/1/1963
- 1820
- 1776
- 1862
- 1863
- 1826
- 1955
- 9/1962
- Names
- Douglass, Frederick
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Lincoln, Abraham [United States. White House]
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
- Schlesinger, Arthur Meier [Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.)]
- Sanders, Carl Edward [Georgia. Office of the Governor]
- Weltner, Charles L. [United States. Congress. House of Representatives]
- Allen, Ivan [Atlanta (Ga.). Office of the Mayor]
- Griffin, Marvin
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald) [United States. White House]
- Meredith, James
- Organizations
- United States. Dept. of Justice
- United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Mississippi. National Guard
- United States. White House
- Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.)
- United States. Marshals Service
- United States. Supreme Court
- Atlanta (Ga.). Office of the Mayor
- United States. Congress. House of Representatives
- Georgia. Office of the Governor
- Places
- Little Rock, Ark.
- Albany, Ga.
- Oxford, Miss.
- India
- Indonesia
- Ghana
- Brazil
- Boston, Mass.
- Fulton County, Ga.
- Washington, D.C.
- Topics
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Publications
- Emancipation Proclamation
- Second Emancipation Proclamation
- Federal intervention
- School integration
- Electoral politics
- Segregation--law and legislation
- Voter registration
- Discrimination in Employment
- Code for Location of Original
- Location of Original
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers (Series I-IV), Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.
- Location of Original - Detail
- Vault Box 3, folder 17
- Copy Location (1)
- MLKPP, Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
- Date Created
- 11/2/1999 12:00:00 AM
- Date Verified
- 11/03/1999
- 2/19/2020 mcweaver
- 4/12/2022 dalai
- Date Updated
- 4/12/2022 4:34:20 PM