Form letter to Ruth H. Bunche
- Author
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Place Written
- Atlanta, Ga.
- Document Date
- 4/24/1962
- Genre
- Letter
- Document Type
- Letter
- Type of Writing
- Typed
- Author
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Author Dates
- 1929-1968
- Author Affiliation
- Gandhi Society for Human Rights, Inc.
- Document ID
- 620424-002
- Document Date
- 4/24/1962
- Type of Writing
- Typed
- Document Type
- Letter
- Type of Signature
- Signed (Handwritten signature of author)
- Status
- Cal. 7
- Cal. 8
- Place Written
- Atlanta, Ga.
- Genre
- Letter
- Document Length
- 2 pp.
- Document Note
- Contains enclosure 620424-010. Enclosed in 630314-009.
- Dates
- 5/17/1962
- Names
- Bunche, Ruth H.
- Kheel, Theodore Woodrow [Gandhi Society for Human Rights, Inc.]
- Wachtel, Harry H. [Gandhi Society for Human Rights, Inc.]
- Kunstler, William M. (William Moses) [Gandhi Society for Human Rights, Inc.]
- Johnson, Mordecai W. (Mordecai Wyatt) [Howard University (Washington, D.C.)]
- Lasley, Russell R. [United Packinghouse Workers of America]
- Helstein, Ralph [United Packinghouse Workers of America]
- Oakes, John B. [New York Times Company]
- Garrison, Lloyd K. (Lloyd Kirkham)
- Organizations
- United States. Congress. House of Representatives
- United States. Congress. Senate
- Sheraton-Carlton Hotel (Washington, D.C.)
- Howard University (Washington, D.C.)
- United Packinghouse Workers of America
- New York Times Company
- Topics
- Martin Luther King, Jr.- Membership in organizations
- Nonviolence
- Voter registration
- Afro-American Education
- Meetings
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference--relations with other organizations
- Code for Location of Original
- Location of Original
- Ralph J. Bunche Papers, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, The New York Public Library, New York, N.Y.
- Copy Location (1)
- MWJP-DHU-MS, Mordecai Wyatt Johnson Papers, Howard University, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Washington, D.C.
- Copy Location (2)
- UPWR-WHi, United Packinghouse, Food and Allied Workers Records, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
- Filing Info
- Box 399, folder 14
- Box 179, folder 5
- Box 2, folder 15
- Box 205, folder Gandhi Society for Human Rights
- Copy Location (3)
- UPWR-WHi, United Packinghouse, Food and Allied Workers Records, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
- Copy Location (4)
- JBOP-WHi, John B. Oaks Papers, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
- Copy Location (5)
- LKGP-MH-L, Lloyd K. Garrison Papers, Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
- Copy Location (6)
- UAWR-NNU-LA, United Automobile Workers of America, District 65 Records, New York University, Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York, N.Y.
- Copy Location (7)
- MLKP-MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.
- Copy Location (8)
- MLKPP, Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
- Date Created
- 11/17/1992 12:00:00 AM
- Date Verified
- 11/18/1992
- 4/26/2024 dalai
- Date Updated
- 4/26/2024 11:27:53 AM