Draft, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s trip to India
- Author
- Reddick, Lawrence Dunbar
- Document Date
- [1959]
- Genre
- Book
- Document Type
- Document
- Type of Writing
- Typed
- Autograph -- author's hand
- Author
- Reddick, Lawrence Dunbar
- Author Dates
- 1910-1995
- Document ID
- 590000-132
- Document Date
- [1959]
- Type of Writing
- Typed
- Autograph -- author's hand
- Document Type
- Document
- Type of Version
- Fragment
- Status
- Cal. 5
- Genre
- Book
- Document Length
- 30 pp.
- Dates
- 10/1/1957
- 4/7/1956
- 2/3/1959
- 2/1/1959
- 2/1959 - 3/1959
- Names
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Gandhi, Mahatma
- Nehru, Jawaharlal
- Bowles, Chester
- King, Coretta Scott
- Wright, Richard
- Wright, Rachael
- Wright, Julia
- Wright, Ellen
- Bunche, Ralph J. (Ralph Johnson)
- Rustin, Bayard
- Levison, Stanley D.
- Robeson, Paul
- Vishwananda, Swami
- Bristol, James E.
- Nkrumah, Kwame
- Stewart, Ollie
- Krushchev, Nikita
- Stalin, Joseph
- King, Martin Luther, III
- King, Yolanda
- Myrdal, Gunnar
- Bergson, Henri
- Hornaday, Mary
- Marie Antoinette, Queen, consort of Louis XVI, King of France
- Reddick, Ruth
- Organizations
- American Friends Service Committee
- The Christopher Reynolds Foundation, Inc.
- Dexter Avenue Baptist Church (Montgomery, Ala.)
- Montgomery Improvement Association
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- American Baptist Convention
- Gandhi Smarak Nidhi
- United States. Supreme Court
- United States. Commission on Civil Rights
- Alabama State College
- Howard University
- Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.)
- Delhi Quaker Center
- New York City College
- Places
- Soviet Union
- Zurich, Switzerland
- Geneva, Switzerland
- New Dehli, India
- Philadelphia, Pa.
- New York, N.Y.
- Istanbul, Turkey
- Beruit, Lebanon
- Atlanta, Ga.
- Little Rock, Ark.
- Ghana
- London, England
- Bandung, Indonesia
- Washington, D.C.
- Montgomery, Ala.
- Paris, France
- Topics
- Montgomery Bus Boycott
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Family
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Political and Social views
- School integration
- India trip
- Nonviolence
- Poverty
- Communism
- Black nationalism
- Interracial marriage
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Threats/attacks against
- World Politics
- Other Topics
- New York Times
- Stride Toward Freedom
- Crusader Without Violence
- Baltimore Afro-American
- Christian Science Montior
- Gandhism without Gandhi
- The National and Colonial Question
- An American Dilemna
- Native Son
- Black Boy
- White Man, Listen
- Chrysanthemum
- Code for Location of Original
- Location of Original
- Lawrence Dunbar Reddick Papers, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library, New York, N.Y.
- Location of Original - Detail
- Box 3, folder 5
- Copy Location (1)
- MLKPP, Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
- Date Created
- 4/30/2002 12:00:00 AM
- Date Verified
- 2/16/2010
- 2/16/2010 szwald
- Date Updated
- 6/2/2015 9:18:53 AM